Well well twice in a day, is this a roll starting perhaps :) xxx. Thought I'd complete the set by posting the card that accompanied the Nappy Bike.
I used a Debbie Moore cd-rom and printed the topper sheet and backing papers. Spellbinders Grand Ovals and Marrianne Baby die to finish off, and my trusty Glossy Accents which I find gives a more professional look to a finished card applied here and there, especially on word toppers.
I finished it with a complimenting box. I then went on to make two origami boxes for Mum and one for Dad filled with fun message baby grows to complete the gift set.
Hope you've enjoyed my efforts and its given you some inspiration maybe for your own future projects.
Happy Crafting everyone and enjoy your Sunday whatever it brings your way xxxxx
What a fabulous set, you need to craft more hon so we can see your beautiful work xx
ReplyDeleteThank you Karen. I really need to apply myself and get selling but its finding the outlet. Will keep trying to blog :) xxxxx